Stein Zone AG is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance practices.

The company and the board of directors recognize the importance of corporate governance for the effective management of the company and for the protection of its employees and shareholders.

Stein Zone AG’s approach to important corporate governance issues aims to ensure that business and corporate affairs are managed effectively to increase shareholder value.

Stein Zone AG is committed and supports ongoing reviews of its processes, strategies and practices to ensure that it maintains good responsibility for the interests of investors.

The company’s corporate governance practices have been designed to comply with applicable legal requirements and best practices.

Stein Zone AG continues to monitor developments in all of its applicable legal systems in order to keep its governance guidelines and practices up to date.


The Board of Directors has adopted a code of conduct that applies to all directors, officers and employees of Stein Zone AG.

The Board of Directors has approved the following code of conduct:

Code of Business

Our core values:

Entrepreneurship, operational excellence, continuous improvement, transparency, safe working environment, ethical attitude, reaction to local communities, responsibility, respect for the environment, integrity

Ask Before Acting

Is it legal? Is it right? How would it look for those outside of the company?

Remember these rules

Know the standards that apply to your work. Follow these standards – always.
Ask if you are ever unsure of what is right. Keep asking until you get the answer.

Our Blog

Find out all about the latest developments from Stein Zone AG here.



Do not hesitate to contact us.